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您的位置:首頁  -  新聞中心  -  施耐德EOCR漲價通知


更新時間:2019-04-02      瀏覽次數(shù):217

Subject : 2019 EOCR Price IncreaseDear Schneider Electric EOCR CustomerWe, Schneider Electric has been keeping the old price as long as possible tosupport the growth of our customers. But due to the cost increase over the periowe have to increase the price in order to further aid our customer growth as we been previously. We are sorry to inform you that the EOCR price will be increasedeffective MAR 1th 2019. - B e l o w -? Rate of Increease : All EOCR product +7%Schneider Electric Korea,Marketing (Product manager) : Hoo-Suk LeeTEL : 02-2630-9815 / Mobile : Product Manager : Schneider Electric Korea Ltd. 
  From : Schneider Electric Korea / Building & IT Business

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